Posts Tagged ‘Salamat’

Schlossberg Sees `Glacial’ Revaluation of China’s Yuan: Video

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

June 22 (Bloomberg) — Boris Schlossberg, director of research at online currency trader GFT Forex in New York, talks with Bloomberg’s Rishaad Salamat about changes to China’s currency policy. China’s yuan gained the most in five years yesterday after the central bank pledged on June 19 to make the currency more flexible. Schlossberg also discusses the outlook for the U.S. economy.

June 22 (Bloomberg) — Boris Schlossberg, director of research at online currency trader GFT Forex in New York, talks with Bloomberg’s Rishaad Salamat about changes to China’s currency policy.

China’s yuan gained the most in five years yesterday after the central bank pledged on June 19 to make the currency more flexible. Schlossberg also discusses the outlook for the U.S. economy. (Source: Bloomberg)

00:00 Pace of yuan revaluation; factors behind move
02:10 Trade imbalances; global, U.S. economy

Running time 04:12

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